Oleg Vlasovets
Data Scientist / Guitarist
Currently studying bacteria in human gut.
I’m a data scientist who is fascinated by microbes and their impact on human health. I develop methods for describing this link and build open-source software that assists researchers all over the world in performing cutting-edge microbiome data analysis.
Core competences:
Software engineering (Python, Docker, Git);
Machine learning (Scikit-learn, Numpy, PyTorch);
High performance computing (Shell, Slurm);
Visualization (Plotly, Bokeh, JavaScript);
Statistics (R, SciPy, Stan);
Microbiome data analysis (QIIME2, Pandas).
Developing assignments, exams and giving seminars:
Developing assignments, exams and giving seminars:
Core responsibilities included:
Double-degree programm with focus on:
Double-degree programm with focus on:
Extracurricular Activities